Longhorn Ground Beef


They are fed grass the first few years, then grain-finished on a mix of brome and alfalfa hay, silage and corn. Consequently, it can take three to three and a half years to finish a steer to an average of 1,200 pounds without the use of drugs and hormones.
“It tastes like the meat we grew up on,” Janell explains. The couple uses no growth hormones as they believe fattening a critter fast affects its flavor. “When you hurry something up, you lose something else, which is taste.”
Longhorn beef is leaner than other types of beef with just the right amount of marbling, according to the Lobergs, which makes if healthier and lower in calories. Even so, it is flavorful and tender. In addition, Branded L Longhorns are raised humanely. Their lives are lived in virtual comfort. When they are relocated from a winter pen to summer pasture, loading into stock trailers is completed without the use of cattle buzzers, a piece of equipment the Lobergs don’t even own. Russ believes that reducing stress and raising cattle humanely is reflected in the taste of the meat.

Original price was: $14.50.Current price is: $12.50.



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A detailed answer to provide information about your business, build trust with potential customers, or help the visitor with a problem they may be encountering

A detailed answer to provide information about your business, build trust with potential customers, or help the visitor with a problem they may be encountering

A detailed answer to provide information about your business, build trust with potential customers, or help the visitor with a problem they may be encountering

A detailed answer to provide information about your business, build trust with potential customers, or help the visitor with a problem they may be encountering

A detailed answer to provide information about your business, build trust with potential customers, or help the visitor with a problem they may be encountering

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See what everyone is talking about.

Best ever! I just received a package in the mail from Ellsworth Crossing. It included a variety of yummy meats! Everything from pork to bison to lamb to steaks. All of it was great. It's 105 here in Tucson and coming from Nebraska, I wondered how well it would do??? But it came perfectly packed on dry ice! No worries at all. It's worth the extra $ to have farm fresh, healthy meats delivered to your door!
Such a great store and owners. If you are looking for local produce and meats. They have it. If you have questions or need help finding something, just ask them, they will help you out. Come and check out their beef. Raikes Beef is sold here!
What a great grocery store for all things Nebraska local. If you haven't tried smoked pork chops, you need to get some now. This is what a grocery store used to be...local farmers, growers, and makers bringing their products to market to sell. Fresh from the farm. If you're lucky, it is baking day, and the smell of cinnamon rolls is in the air.
Really cute farmers market. The owner is so nice and welcoming from the moment you step into the store. If you are looking for some local meats, produce, and pantry items, then check out Ellsworth Crossing.
Discovered this Gem when I was searching for a good source for beef bones and chicken feet to make bone broth-went to pick them up and discovered that they have soooo much more than meat! Lots of great locally sourced cheeses, milk, eggs, salad greens, flours, oats, honey, jerky, the list keeps going. The owner was super helpful and I enjoyed just browsing everything. Great local business that I hope prospers
Best ever! I just received a package in the mail from Ellsworth Crossing. It included a variety of yummy meats! Everything from pork to bison to lamb to steaks. All of it was great. It's 105 here in Tucson and coming from Nebraska, I wondered how well it would do??? But it came perfectly packed on dry ice! No worries at all. It's worth the extra $ to have farm fresh, healthy meats delivered to your door!
Such a great store and owners. If you are looking for local produce and meats. They have it. If you have questions or need help finding something, just ask them, they will help you out. Come and check out their beef. Raikes Beef is sold here!

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